

Project Manager Acceptance Case Study

Day: Thursday Time: 6:30 PM

Length: 60 min.


This module is designed to reinforce the techniques of instilling the passion for Quality in the Project Manager and the Team.  It begins with a short Case Study dealing with a PM with Quality problems.  This leads to break out groups that will work on “Activities that make Quality slip”, “Activities that increase Quality” and a final break out group to design a “check list” of activities dealing with Quality for the Project Manager implement.


Managing a Small vs. a Large Project

Day: Friday

Time: 9:15 AM

Length: 30 min.


This is a short module that is intended to highlight the need for efficiency as responsibility, number of people, and geography grow. It is designed as a break out group module with the students being given the assignment of coming up with the Obvious and the Insidious differences. The Instructor should be able to share what they expected and what reality turned out to be in their experience. The focus should be on efficiency and how easily things slip through the cracks.



Day: Friday

Time: 10:00 AM

Length: 45 min.


The Mentoring and Developing Future Managers module is designed to review the responsibilities of the Mentor and to discuss the PM responsibilities to develop their own people.  There is an initial explanation of the difference between formal and natural Mentoring.  Secondly a discussion of the Responsibilities of a Mentor, and how they need to interact with the subject.  The last element deals with the development of future managers, i.e. delegation, KASH, Hiring, motivation.



Day: Saturday

Time: 10:45 AM

Length: 60 min.


The Activator, Behavior, Consequence Module directs the students to the need for inspection and response.  It is an interactive discussion of how we can “train” our people to ever decreasing levels of performance by benign neglect.  It has a direct tie to Power and Motivation and leads into the break out groups tasked with designing a consequence Tool Box.  It also ties to the PM’s KASH responsibility of helping develop habits through inspection.



Day: Saturday

Time: 12:15 PM

Length: 45 min.


Presenting is the final input module of Class III.  It leaves the students with a participatory activity after lunch and a very specific Check List for use prior to any presentation.  It is designed to get their attention by talking frankly about the “unfair” weight given to presentation skills.  Break out groups will come up with the specific skill sets used by Professional Speakers.  A check list will be designed and distributed.  There will be an opportunity to put the knowledge into practice.




problems or questions regarding this web contact StephenCMiller@ATT.Net
Last updated: 04/03/06.