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& E-8 March 2006   & E-8 April 2006


DWHUniversity Frequently Asked Questions and Expectations

 At what Location does David Weekley Homes University (DWHU) take place? HST

 What time does it start? 3:00 pm on the scheduled Wednesday and ends at 4:00 pm on the scheduled Friday. So plan your travel accordingly.

 Who makes transportation arrangements to and from Houston?  You are responsible for for making your own transportation arrangements to and from Houston.  You are responsible for making arrangements from the Airport to the hotel and or HST on Wednesday for the beginning of class

Who makes hotel reservations?  June Morino makes hotel reservations. NOTE: One of the main goals of DWHU is developing your network:  With this in mind YOU WILL HAVE  ROOM MATE.

Transportation from HST to and from the hotel?  June will make arrangements from the hotel to HST and back every day.

Who makes the transportation arrangements back to the airports on Friday?  June will also set up transportation back to the airport on Friday from HST.  The van from the hotel to HST will leave at 7:15 every morning. On occasion we will have enough Houston people in class and we will assign drivers.

 What do we wear? Business casual is acceptable. Please no jeans. The room can be cold at times so be prepared and bring a sweater or jacket.

 Meals? Dinner will be provided Wednesday and Thursday night, Breakfast Thursday and Friday mornings, lunch Thursday and Friday. If you have any SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS Please let June Morino know in advance and she will make every effort to accommodate those needs.

 How long is class each day?  Wednesday evening at 8:00pm. Thursday class starts at 8 and goes to 6 then we go to dinner as a group. Friday class starts at 8 and we end at 4.  There are many breaks and there are computers available for use to stay in touch with the day to day activities of your team.

 If I miss a class can I make it up?  The course is designed that each class supports the one after, on rare occasions we have done individual make up classes but we like to keep the group intact for all 4 classes.  You will have plenty of notice of your group’s class schedule to allow you to plan accordingly. 






problems or questions regarding this web contact StephenCMiller@ATT.Net
Last updated: 04/03/06.